Kids in Oklahoma Wait Up to a Year for Hearing Aids

According to this recent news item:

Joanna Smith, Hearts for Hearing chief executive officer, said the high cost of technology and the lack of coverage by insurance providers prevent many babies diagnosed with hearing loss at birth from being fit with hearing aids for more than a year.

It isn’t just babies in Illinois that do not have the benefit of insurance coverage for hearing aids, it is people of all ages.   We are still waiting to hear the outcome of SB 68 which would provide insurance coverage to Illinois residents of all ages.  There’s a chance we could have an extension on it and the possiblity of getting it moved to the floor.  If that doesn’t happen, we know we’ll draft another bill and have another go at it.  We started out with just one Senator behind the bill, Senator Ira Silverstein.  We now have seven Senators sponsoring this bill:
Sen. Ira I. SilversteinJacqueline Y. CollinsMartin A. Sandoval, Dan Cronin, A. J. Wilhelmi, Don Harmon and M. Maggie Crotty.

Senator William Haine  has been very supportive of this and he leads the subcommittee for this bill.

Come and join us on Facebook where we are growing in numbers each day:

Hearing Aid Action on Facebook.

Remember, we can always take this to the federal level and get a law passed to provide insurance coverage for everyone of all ages.

The time is now to make it happen!

More insurance coverage for hearing aids in the news:

Wisconsin Pushes for Hearing Aid and Cochlear Implant Insurance Coverage

Wisconsin Wants Hearing Aid Coverage for Children

Eight Cents for Insurance Coverage for Hearing Aids

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